Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Godly Service

Its interesting that so many of us will come to church and serve God with everything then go home and treat our friends and family less than human.

When Jesus called us to service, it was always meant to serve others as well as God, hence the 2nd most important commandment, "Love your neighbor as yourself." This means our parents, brothers, sisters and everyone in between!


  1. Sadly, this applies to leadership too. We go to church and praise God with everything, yet in our own "christian community," we can treat others less than human.

    On Monday night, my younger son, who has been wanting to get more involved, went to service early to "help out." He expressed to me his surprise and disappointment that he got "bossed around" by the people that didn't even bother to ask his name, or said thanks for helping out (not that he needs to be thanked), and leaders who used to make a point of saying Hello and giving a warm smile, now just go past him as if they've never met him.

  2. Gabby,

    Youre absolutely right! Leaders are NOT exempt from being human and failing in areas like this. Im sorry your son was treated less than fair but always remember that there are two sides to every story, and Im sure none of it was done maliciously.
    We will always encounter people within our own church family that treat us like that and its all the more reason to let Love abound all the more!
