Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Here we go again

Ok, so I took the last few weeks to decide whether or not my blog was actually worth writing considering the following factors: Followship and Influence vs. Time to write.

My conclusion is, that if anything it will teach me to disciplined and also help me to become a better story teller so for that I'll continue to write.

I do want to say thanks to everyone who has followed or read my blog, taking the time to read my random thoughts and be a part of God's story that He is writing in my life.

Excited for whats next!


  1. I think you should have a weekly "Random Biological Nerd Facts" from Ronny post...I'm just sayin'!

  2. haha...maybe...although I dont think i have the right platform for that...

  3. I agree with Jo Jo...relate it to the wonder of God's creation! And it will help hone your nerdyness!
