We are excited for them and the direction that God is taking them in the next year.
Natalya and I are completely blessed by God and how He has placed a call on our life as well. The call is to step into a much larger role in Generate and take over the teaching every week, one that we are excited to embrace.
In the midst of all this one thing is certain, "While we are uncertain of the next step, we are certain of God" and as Oswald Chambers says ,"To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, we do not know what a day may bring forth."
We are all very excited for the future of Crossroads and the story that God is busy writing!
Please continue to pray for Tony and Bre, Natalya and I, and of course all the staff here at Crossroads.
So excited to see where God plans to take Crossroads Irvine and Generate!