Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shaniqua & Nemo

So, last night we challenged the young adults at Generate Jr. High to encounter God and live out what it truly means to be a disciple.

Their goal for the Apathy series is to pray for a loved one or friend that they want to invite to Monday nights.

One of our interns picked up these goldfish for us. Last night Generate Jr. High ended up naming them Shaniqua and Nemo. I walked into my office asking myself, "Do I really need to feed these guys?'' Vince says I do if I want to keep them alive until the end of the series.

What do you think? Do I want to keep them alive?


  1. Haha. Keep them alive! We want to see you swallow them! haha. :) By the way, great teaching yesterday. It was something very much needed.

  2. I think Gatorade was a better name. Jk their cool

  3. HEY NOE zup get ready to eat Nemo! Ive been very busy over the last 2 weeks handing out fliers to my friends who say there Kristian but dont go to church so i invited them to come to generate!
    I hope you get a chance to read this.

    P.S. Citrus Hills group is going to bring the most ppl to Christ!
