Before I ask you the question let me tell you that I have come across many people in church that say they want to Change the World, yet I simply don't see the passion or drive that it takes to make this happen. I believe 100% that God has predestined us for incredible things in this life (Eph 2:10) and has even given us His Spirit to empower us, but here is the question.
If you are ready to change the world then ask yourself this; what would your church look like if everyone was as committed as you are? What if everyone gave, served and prayed exactly like you, would the church be healthy and empowered or weak and listless?
Praying this week that we take up God on His offer of the Holy Spirit and work like it all depends on us, and pray like it all depends on God!
What an incredible question to ask! I would love to say the church would be better and healthy, but I see my own shortcomings in my daily walk that would hinder the Spirit from doing His work. My prayer is to be more committed, to gave above my 10%, and to serve and pray with Joy!
ReplyDeleteThat's a good question! I believe most want to change the world but cannot because they are in the flesh. There may be no passion or drive to do it simply because most church goers are not converted and are still under the wrath of God. Jesus said "my sheep know my voice and I know them and they follow me"- John 10:27. Once they truly repented and believed after hearing the True Gospel which is the only message God is willing to bless, they will be saved and God will do His work and finish it.