Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wonder and Amazement

On Monday night I asked the students to write down any question they had regarding the Bible or God and we would answer those questions in a panel discussion the following week.

Well, the questions came in and man was I floored! While some were quite theologically astute, it was a few of the other questions that caught my attention, here they are:

1) Did God have a last name?
2) In the bible why did they always eat little goats
3) How big is the hand of God?

Now, I know they sound silly but here is why they caught my attention. These questions obviously evoked a wonder and amazement in who God is. There is curious innocence to their heart felt questions. In Mark Battersons book "Wild Goose Chase" he says that children ask 125 probing questions per day, while adults ask only 6 questions per day.

What this means is that children are born with a holy curiosity, and not only do they question everything, they believe everything is possible.

Children dont make assumptions, they swim in the sea of possibility! Do you???

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