Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Love

Im pretty pumped for this Christmas season.

Normally, that is not the case in fact most of the time I become so overwhelmed with shopping lists, credit card debt and parking spots that I forget why we celebrate Christmas in the first place.

Not this year though, Natalya and I have committed to living different and striving to get back to the real meaning of Christmas which is love. A love so deep that the King of the universe sent His only Son to take the full punishment of my crimes, a truly selfless love!

This year we are dedicated to spending more time with family and friends trying to find more ways to show how much we love them. We have also decided to find a cause to support or organization to give to instead of buying gifts for each other.

Im interested to hear what you are doing this Christmas season.


  1. Ash and I are putting each other's gifts together and donating the cost toward Microfinancing in Africa, so a family can start a business...'teach a man to fish'
