Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Google Parenting

So I've been wanting to write this blog for a while now but just wasn't sure I had the evidence, and quite honestly I don't know that I still have enough evidence to back this but here is what I have seen.

Google has become a staple on the internet for instant education and or information for millions around the world, which can be a great thing. Unfortunately, for much of our "gen Y" young adults, it has become the all encompassing parental format of the 21st century.

We all know that school is the petrie dish where crude humor and sexual innuendo grow, and as it seems nothing much has really changed, but what used to be left for parents to explain, is now sought after via a quick Google search. You can already see the potential problems, when a young child hears his buddies joking about pornography and is unsure what "pornography" is he is likely to go home and Google the word "pornography" and you can just imagine what happens next.

So, whats the solution? I don't really know. What I do know is that parents need to start pre-empting some of the things that our children are already hearing at younger and younger ages. Is it difficult to talk to your child about sex and pornography? YES!

But is it harder and more difficult to step in at age 14 and break an addiction that has ravaged a young boys life and potentially ruined his perception of women, or to have 1 hour conversation about what sex really is?

1 comment:

  1. great point. my oldest child is very internet savvy at almost 12 yrs old. I have told her not to do internet searches without my permission... but i catch her doing it all the time. She is hungry for information about all kinds of things, and doesn't think of stopping to ask. So far, we have done okay... but the time will come when her search will get her way more than she bargained for. i do hope that when it comes to life questions, she will come to me instead of google.
