Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prostitute Pricing

We just finished our staff meeting this morning and one of the topics of discussion was how our church was going to get involved and help put an end to the human trafficking problem that is plaguing our society.

We just heard that the two top areas worldwide, that human trafficking occurs is the right here in our own backyard, with Phoenix having the the second highest kidnapping and trafficking rate in all the world!

The point is that this must be stopped and we have to take a bigger stake in this battle. Mike Foster in his blog "Deadly Viper" blog has an interesting take on our apathy towards this atrocity, click on the link for more.


  1. did you know that there are american couples who go to places like the phillippines to rescue those who have been sold into slavery, bring them back to the u.s. and raise them, only to turn around once they get here and start molesting and abusine the kids just like they were in the phillippines? this has become a common trend especially in the southern california areas. the authorities have been able to find some of the parents, however, it is difficult to oust a couple who is practicing this lifestyle because the children will not say anything about it to anyone. the problem is they are foriegn to this country and they don't know anyone. we should also be asking this question as a church: how can we take care of this problem here at home?

  2. Youre absolutely right Woody...Crossroads WILL be working with some extremely reputable and well connected organizations doing damage in this arena! Pray that God continues to open doors for this and other churches
