Letting go is the hardest things to do.
Letting go of the side of the pool so you can swim is hard. Letting go of the hand that’s holding you so you can walk is hard.
All of these things have some risk involved, but also necessary if we are to grow and experience new adventures and growth. The problem is that we always tend to hang on, simply so we can maintain our sense of security. The problem is, as a Christian, Jesus doesn’t call you to a life of security but a life of surrender!
Surrender means that you are no longer in control. It means that you no longer drive or steer the wheel. It also means that you no longer take the credit for you successes or your failures. If you let go and let God guide you to the places He wants to take you, no matter how scary the road may seem or how deep the pool may be, He is the one that is in control.
Letting go is risky business, but without risk there can be no reward. Mark Batterson, in his book “In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day” said it best, “When we live in fear afraid to take risks, we rob God of the glory that is rightfully His.”
What do you need to let go of today? What are you holding onto so tightly that you can’t experience the joy that God wants to give you?
Amen...I'm teaching a girl's study on friday night, and we are talking about letting go, and letting God...it seems like this topic is one that a lot of people need to hear right now...thanks for the further insight...
No Problem Jillian...Youre absolutely right its one of those things that continues to come up over and over again in our lives and needs to be dealt with each time. Good luck on Friday :)