Monday, November 2, 2009

Fire Fall Down

Im excited to share tonight about the power of prayer in the Christian life.

As I have been studying it, I find myself more and more dumbfounded at the idea that a sovereign God would allow His creation to have a say in what He is doing! I mean think about that for a second, no other religion can make that claim. God does not turn a deaf ear to His children, and when we cry out in His courts He hears us...Amazing!

My goal is that Monday nights becomes a house of prayer and group that is known as "The children that call upon the name of the Lord." That in any situation their first reaction is to get on their knees and pray fervently for the Lords intercession!

The church as we know it was berthed in the midst of prayer, fire came down from heaven during prayer and Jesus prayed constantly while on earth...lets get back to that place.

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