Wednesday, July 29, 2009

iPhone vs Blackberry

Read a post from Tony Morgan on this very debate as to which phone was superior.
I have an iPhone and I think it has completely revolutionized mobile networking, and I think blackberry owners are just plain angry that they dont have an iPhone...What are your thoughts?

Quiet Time

So I've slowly been realizing that my mind is constantly being consumed with noise around me.
Im not talking about normal ambient sounds that we all hear from day to day, I'm talking about media noise (ie. t.v. radio). When I get in the car I have to have the radio on or some kind of music, when I get home I instantly turn the t.v. on.

In college I took a music class and the eccentric professor posed an interesting thought. He said that the reason why we have to listen to music in the car by ourselves is because most of us are afraid of the quiet. Afraid of the quiet??

When its quiet he said, "thats when you are left to hear your own thoughts, and people dont like that." Wow! What an interesting thought. As a christian I dont think its my own thoughts Im drowning out, but Gods still small voice trying to communicate with me. This week Ive decided to take a month off of music and television and let God be the only noise I hear.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wedding Week

Ok so this week is going to be interesting.
Already, Im finding out so many things that nobody getting married tells you about! It seems like Im spending more money, running out of time and patience and have way more things to do than I had previously thought!
All this to say with less than 6 days left till we make our covenant, Im praying hard and asking God to show me how to "Be still and know He is God!" -Psalm 46:10

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Why Wont You Change?

Here is a great post from Tony Morgan of New Spring Church talking about why we cant change not only our bosses but people in general. Be careful though, its kind of convicting!

It may or may not surprise you that the most frequently asked question during the “Killing Cockroaches Summer Tour” was how do I change my boss?

In a couple of instances where I knew the person was married, I responded to that question with this question: How do you change your spouse? (Hint for marital bliss: Don’t try to answer that question. You’ll find yourself sleeping on the couch tonight.) If you’ve been married longer than a few weeks, you know that you can’t change your spouse. You’re really fighting a losing battle if you think you will.

We can’t change your spouse. We can’t change your boss. The only person we have any hope of changing is ourselves, and that, I’ve learned, is a little difficult without a move of God. It could quite possibly be the case that if you think your boss needs to change, maybe your perspective needs to change.

  • Look in the mirror. You may be thinking your boss is unhealthy, but is it possible that you’re the one that really needs to make some changes? That’s the easiest place to start.
  • Support your boss. He or she is human. Your boss is learning how to lead just like you are. How can you provide encouragement? What can you do to make their life easier? Have you prayed for them recently?
  • Model healthy leadership. If it works for you and people acknowledge that you’re helping the organization fulfill it’s mission, others may want to learn from you.
  • Focus on the relationship. People don’t like change unless they’re initiating the change. None of us like being changed or receiving change. We all need relationships with people we can trust though. It’s amazing what you’re willing to do for someone you trust.
  • Move on. If you can’t support your boss, then you’re only pulling yourself and others down if you stick around. (Before you do that, see the first four bullets.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Knowing Christ Today

Dallas Willard is one of the most insightful and brilliant minds around today.

I've read just about everything he's written and every time I find something that is constantly challenging what I think I know.

His newest book "Knowing Christ Today" breaks down the wall between actual knowledge and what the secular world describes as "blind" faith.

Read it...You wont be disappointed.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Words cant describe what you will see tomorrow night @ 730.

Ask Carefully

As I was reading in 1 Samuel today, I was struck by something that I overlooked previously.

Apparently, somewhere along the line the Israelites became extremely insecure and more concerned with being like everyone else that they too, wanted a "king like the other nations."
What they forgot was that God the King of all kings, had already promised to be their king and provide all that they would ever need.
The problem was not in what they asked for but why they asked for it!

Before you begin asking for things make sure that: 1) it hasn't already been promised to you 2) that it lines up with Gods will.
The sovereign King of the universe knows exactly what you need and has a plan to get you there...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gone in a week

So here is a question for you to think about as we learn about time management tonight.

What if you only had 1 week to live? What would you do? Who would you spend it with?
But heres the big one, "What things would be unimportant in your life and not worth doing or thinking about?"

Are you concerned with those things right now? If so you should probably get rid of them considering we arent promised tomorrow.

just a thought

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Communication Vs. Expectation

Ok so here's the deal. I cant tell you how many times that Natalya and I have gotten into arguments over the littlest things, but almost every time we find out that it was a simple matter of communication!
Simple right?
Well...See here is what I believe happens in almost every situation whether its at work, home or in ministry and other people are involved our natural tendency is to hold certain expectations of them.
For some of us leaders, we see those that we are leading doing or not doing something, then we get upset with that person and automatically want them out. The question you have to ask yourself is, "Have I communicated to that person exactly what I expect from them?"
Because if not then you had better reconsider your exasperation!
You cannot have expectations from any relationship until you have thoroughly communicated them.
Learned that the hard way :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Poor Lazy People

As I am studying for the second part of "Killing Time" I find it interesting how many times in Proverbs that Solomon compares laziness and lack of discipline with poverty.
So many people have grand ideas or dreams about things that they desire and tell everyone about them painting big visions for it and never work hard to achieve any of it.
Proverbs 14:23 says "talk is cheap" so get crackin' or start walkin'!

Love it!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Off Balance

I see it everyday.
I think its too easy in our culture between responsibilities and luxuries to be spread so unbelievably thin that we find ourselves asking, "If there was only one more day in the week!"
The truth is that if we had one more day of the week, we would most likely waste that one too! Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1 said "there is a time for everything under heaven..." meaning that there is a time for all of to accomplish everything we have to do, the problem is that we live completely unbalanced lives.
We place luxuries like social networking, television and working out above our responsibilities not only to our families but most importantly to God.
If we cant find a balance between these two then we will undoubtably spend a majority of our free time playing catch up making us completely ineffective for Gods kingdom...and this is most certainly NOT what He wants!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hard Work

As we countdown till the launch of our new series "Killing Time" tonight at 630, I got this message from a friend of mine and thought it was a great illustration of what we are to be doing with our time:

"Human progress never rolls on wheels of inevitability; it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be co-workers with God, and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of forces of social stagnation." - Martin Luther King

Its hard work and diligence to Gods plan that we can accomplish great things in our ministries or lives.
Work hard and "redeem the time" and no more waiting for things to be given or just happen!

Thanks George!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Killing Time

I cant wait for our new series launch "Killing Time" next week! It should be an eye-opening look at how we as Christians have been given "time" as a responsibility and we are called in Ephesians 2:10 to be diligent with it.

Im blown away by our culture and how many "time jackers" we have devised that end up drawing precious energy and effort away from what really matters.

I know Im personally guilty of spending more than enough hours on Facebook, Twitter and responding to e-mails, so it will be interesting how this changes my view on how I spend my time!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Few Things

Just a few quick things Im excited for coming in the next couple of weeks:
- Heading to PURE tonight to teach on worship with over 300 passionate young adults
- Summer Love launch at Generate is gonna be nuts next week with the idea of "1 week to live campaign"
- I will be married in less than 24 days!

Have fun everyone and God Bless

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cool Blog on Regrets

Thought this was a great post by Steve Furtick about dealing with our past regrets and mistakes. Check it out here

Monday, July 6, 2009

Refusal of Fame

In many leadership roles often times the person that is doing the leading gets all the fame and attention, meanwhile all the people that are dying on your hill are left behind unnoticed for all they do.
Came across this interesting article today on Neil Armstrong who is probably recorded in US history as one of the most famous people still alive, and whose "one small step for man" soundbite has been heard around the world by almost every proceeding generation. So it seems odd to most of the world that a man who can make literally a million dollars in an afternoon signing autographs would absolutely shun the spotlight.
The truth is Neil Armstrong is a leader with the incredible gift of humility. He recognizes that none of it would have been possible without the 400,000 people involved in the program, and when interviewed he speaks merely on facts not feelings. What a great leadership concept. We need more leaders willing to lay their egos and feelings aside so that Gods amazing plan can be recognized. Great job Neil and thanks for the example.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Awesome Things

Im so excited about next Wednesday and what has been happening at Danny Carrols church "Water of Life."
If you havent heard, on Wednesday night they have a young adult ministry called PURE, that in less than 1 year has over 300 people passionately attending and worshiping Jesus! The best part for me is that next week Shane Carrol, PURE's pastor has asked me to come and speak to them about worship! I just know God is doing big things over there with them I am honored to be a part of what they are doing for the Kingdom!
Check them out at