Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Seeing God

Isn't interesting how, there are times when God has clearly shown himself to us? I mean, where there is no way that you could deny having encountered Him...

I find that a lot of times people who say they cant see God, or have trouble really making a connection with Him, is NOT because God doesn't want to show himself but more often then not its because their vision of Him is blurred.

Paul, in Romans 12:1 says that we are to "present our bodies a living and holy sacrifice."
But what does that mean?

Do you remember when you were in biology class and used a microscope to look at cells and other objects your naked eye couldn't see? Well, like using a microscope as an instrument to see those cells, so to your body is the instrument with which you use to see God!

If your body is not clean or clear of sin, then your vision of God will most certainly be blurred. Remember, God wants to show Himself to you but its impossible if our bodies and minds are in the wrong condition.

Like the suns light that cannot be reflected in a dirty mirror, so too God cannot be seen in a life that is not wholly devoted to Him!

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