Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Heres something to think about. What has sarcasm and cynicism done to us as culture? Do we now think that it is ok to say things that might normally hurt someone, but say it in a joking manner so it goes unnoticed as an insult?
Does that force us to ignore how our own insecurities shape our behavior when someone makes a sarcastic comment about the clothes we are wearing? Thoughts??


  1. Food for thought:
    The word "sarkazo" in Greek means to tear flesh, like dogs - or to speak bitterly. The exact word isn't mentioned in the Bible, but it's root word "sark" is - and is most often translated as "flesh" or "carnal."
    Words that should not be used to describe believers...
    In fact, as it turns out, it is the exact opposite of building the Kingdom - it's tearing it apart!
